Clermont Street Exterior Restoration

At first glance of this house, it almost looked like a “tear-down”, because it hadn’t been tended-to in many years, like so many nice homes. But a tear-down wasn’t possible because it’s the childhood home of the homeowner! So, we decided to change the way the exterior looks by sanding, grinding, scraping, washing, and repairing everything that we could get our hands on. 

This work and attention to detail really elevated the quality of this (childhood) home by the hard work, but simple maintenance and repair work that was completed. The wood siding and trim repairs, along with sanding, caulking, and applying coats of primer, and high-quality exterior paint changed this poor and sad house to a clean, modern and very nice looking home again. The homeowners are proud, pleased, and delighted. This project turned out great and the house has come alive again. The homeowner told me later that she hugs her house now!

On the interior of this same house, we built a new master bathroom with a large whirlpool tub, large vanity, lots of beautiful ceramic tile, and an awesome high-vaulted ceiling with a remote-controlled opening skylight.

But these weren’t the only projects that we’ve done for these homeowners. In fact, we have a long 15-year history with them. In their previous home, just a couple of blocks away, we totally renovated their 1920 house interior and exterior, built a dream kitchen, and also doubled the size of the house by adding a complete 2nd floor with bedrooms and bathrooms.

Hopefully we’ll do more projects for these awesome homeowners.


Redfern Street Remodel


1st Floor Garage Apartment