Homewood House Restoration and Remodel

We have done extensive restoration and remodeling to this house, starting with tearing everything out of the house except for the frame. The framing was then restructured, leveled and repaired. All new wiring and lighting, plumbing, ductwork, insulation, and interior walls were installed. The subfloors were replaced along with the hardwood floors. The doors and 1x6 moldings were restored and reused to keep the restoration authentic along with the original door hardware and hinges. 

New exterior insulated sheathing and batt insulation was installed along with all new drywall on the interior. The bathrooms were completely removed and replaced with new tile and plumbing fixtures. The kitchen was removed also and rebuilt with new cabinets, plumbing fixtures, countertops, and appliances. A beautiful new stairwell was built. The windows were restored or replaced, and the roof received new plywood decking and new shingles. The exterior was completely restored and painted, and a new concrete driveway was installed. 

The house is now a new modern home, built inside the old 1920 exterior that is typically Homewood’s original style. 

It’s unique to say the least, and we are very proud to have done the work, and of the finished product.

We can do the same thing to your home!


2nd Floor Garage Apartment


Redfern Street Remodel